How often to bring your dog to their Dog Groomer in Wayne NJ

Dog groomer in Wayne NJ shows Sheltie with a brushThis is a common enough question.  It should be easy to answer right?  Wrong!  There are so many variables when it comes to dogs and owner preferences that there just is not a clear answer on how often to bring your dog to their dog groomer in Wayne NJ.  Let’s discuss some of the things that may play a role in answering this question.

Dogs characteristics determine how often to visit Dog groomer in Wayne NJ

Length of the dog’s coat – There are so many different variations in coats on dogs from pure breed dogs to mixed breeds, every single dog is different.   For short hair dogs, the possibility of matting is greatly decreased but doesn’t make it impossible.  Shorter coated dogs overall do need to be groomed less often, but if that short coat is curly, you may need to visit the dog groomer in Wayne NJ more often than you think.  Brushing your dog often at home will help keep dirt off your dog’s skin and will also help in removing dead fur.  This helps to prolong your time in between grooming visits.  For dogs with longer coats, the chance of mats is greater.  Tangles and knots can happen quickly and if left unchecked, can develop into painful mats that more often than not need to be cut off the dog rather than brushed out.  Brushing your dog at home not only helps to ward off mats, but it also helps to stimulate your dog’s skin to produce the natural oils that help keep the skin and coat healthy.

Type of coat – For single-coated dogs, grooming at a professional dog groomer in Wayne NJ is recommended as needed for your preference and your dog’s needs. Single-coated dogs typically will need a full-body professional grooming much less often than double-coated dogs.  For double-coated dogs, a general recommendation would be to visit your groomer about 4 times a year to help remove the dead undercoat.  Not only does it make your dog feel better, but it will also help keep your house cleaner too!  Think how great it would be to have all that fur flying around your groomers place instead of your living room.

What you need to be done – This is perhaps that biggest variable of them all.  How often you take your dog to their dog groomer in Wayne NJ greatly depends on what your dog needs done.  For simple things like nail trims and ear cleanings, you can simply schedule your dog as needed.  If you walk your dog often on concrete and asphalt, your dog’s nails will likely need to be trimmed much less often than a dog who only walks on grass or soft surfaces.  The simple act of taking your dog for a walk can help file their nails naturally and increase the time in between professional nail trims.  For ear cleanings, you can help not only your dog but also your groomer by wiping out your dog’s ears at home on a weekly basis.  When you do health maintenance things with your dog at home when they are relaxed, it helps them tolerate the activity much better when they get to the groomer.  For dogs that require or for owners that prefer their dogs to be perfectly groomed at all times, you may be visiting your groomer on a much more regular basis.

All in all, how often you take your dog to their groomer is entirely up to you

While it would be great to be able to say for small dogs, bring them to the groomer every 6 weeks and for larger dogs, bring them every 8, this just is not the case.  The type of service you are requesting, the type of dog you have, what your dog is exposed to on a regular basis, and generally how you want your dog to look all play a part in answering the question of how often do I need to bring my dog to their dog groomer in Wayne, NJ.


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